Introduction: DIY Board and Batten Accent Wall

About: Hi, I’m Sam! Full time psychologist and woodworker! I build things and publish plans. Check out my website and YouTube channel for more project ideas!

Creating a show stopping accent wall doesn't have to be complicated! Here's how I made a DIY board and batten accent wall for my parents' bedroom in just a few days of work!

P.S. You can see this project in action on my YouTube video!


1 x 4 x 8′ – 10′ Primed Boards*

White Caulking

BEHR Paint (Storm Grey)

Drop Cloths

Painter’s Tape

1 ¼” Brad Nails

* Board feet will be different for each project – make sure to measure your particular project before building!

Step 1: Layout the Design

First step was to layout my design. This can be done in SketchUp, or with basic math, or with painter’s tape!

Step 2: Add Borders & Verticals

Next, I cut and attached my boards with brad nails. I started with the outer border pieces and then moved to the verticals. To help find the angles I needed for my vaulted ceilings I used an angle finder (you can see this in action in my YouTube video).

Step 3: Add Horizontals

Once the vertical pieces were attached, I cut and attached the horizontal pieces. I used spacer blocks here from leftover lumber to make sure that everything was even!

Step 4: Seal & Prep

Next, I sealed all of the edges of my boards with caulking. I also made sure to fill in the nail holes as well!

Step 5: Paint

After letting everything dry, I taped off my walls and sprayed the accent wall with my paint. 

Step 6: Celebrate Your Hard Work!

That's it! You can create a beautiful accent wall in just a few days of work!

Don't forget! You can see this project in action on my YouTube video!

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